Fabric Color Disclaimer

We make every effort to deliver the best quality photos of our products.

However, due to the vast color variances of every monitor and mobile device, we cannot guarantee the color will be an exact match to what you see online.

Ordering a shade card is the best way to make sure that you are getting exactly the color, texture and hand feel you want.

These shade cards are an inexpensive way to make sure you are satisfied with your fabric order and aren't surprised in any way by what you receive.

Because we also want to make sure you are completely satisfied, if you decide to order the fabric you swatched, you will be credited the price of the sample as long you order a minimum of $50 worth of material within 3 months.

Just click the "Add Shade Card to Cart" button and the shade card of the product page you are currently on will be automatically added to your basket.

If you have any questions about a color, or would like to see if the color matches another fabric, please contact us and we would be happy to help.